Food Safety Made Easy
Food Safety Made Easy |
Food Safety Made Easy
I have a lot of passion for
nutrition, but one area I am especially fervent about is food safety.
Anyone who has eaten with me might even venture to say I’m borderline
obsessive about the issue (wink, wink.) I have lived dangerously; eaten
pizza that was left out all night; allowed chicken to defrost on the
counter. I’ve even played with fire by eating potato salad that had been
out room temperature all day. (Note: At the time, I didn’t know the
risk I was taking, flirting with the most miserable 24-48 hours one
could spend – not to mention potentially ruining a craving for a food
While food poisoning is certainly no fun, for more
vulnerable populations like the elderly, immune-compromised and pregnant
women it can be very serious, possibly fatal. The good news is that
there are steps you can take to keep your food safe and reduce your risk
of getting food poisoning. Let’s run through these quick steps below.
Four Simple Steps recommends 4 easy steps to follow to keep your food safe; clean, separate, cook, and chill.
Keep It Clean
- Cleanliness is the first important step in preparing your food. Be sure to wash your hands before handling food and also in between if handling raw meat or eggs. You should wash your hands for 20 seconds with soap under warm running water.
- Rinse all fruits and vegetables, even if you plan to peel them. Fruits and vegetables can carry illness bearing bacteria which can also spread to the insides when cut.
- All surfaces that come in contact with your food also have the potential to transfer bacteria. Wash all utensils, cutting surfaces and counter tops with each use.
- You should skip washing your meats, as this can actually propagate the spread of bacteria.
Keep It Separate
- Use separate cutting boards and plates for meats/poultry/seafood/eggs; as well as for ready-to-eat foods like fruits and vegetables. This step will help you to avoid cross contamination.
- The same principle goes for in your fridge or grocery cart. Ask your grocer for a plastic bag to cover raw meat. Juice may leak from raw meat packages onto foods that are ready to eat.
- A very important aspect to preventing food-borne illness is to cook foods at the right temperature. Making sure you are cooking your meal at the right temperature for the right amount of time assures you will kill food-borne bacteria.
- Not only is it important to cook food at the right temperature, but it must be kept at least 140 degrees after cooking to maintain a safe temperature. You can keep foods warm for serving using products like chafing dishes, slow cookers and warmers.
- As food begins to cool, bacteria start to grow. The danger zone is between 40-140 degrees. (Personally, I am a big fan of using food thermometers to assure my meals are cooked to and kept at the right temperature.)
- Bacteria starts growing in perishable foods within two hours, so it is important to either refrigerate food within two hours or keep cold foods between 32-40 degrees for serving.
One final note about serving food
– I would like to highlight, once again, that if you are serving food
for an extended period of time, hot food should be kept at 140 degrees
or more and cold foods should be kept between 32-40 degrees; or it
should all be refrigerated within two hours. Not meeting these
guidelines is the most common food safety mistake that I see in my work
as a dietician.
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