Top 15 Super Foods To Help Curb Diabetes

Top 15 Super Foods To Help Curb Diabetes

Diabetes is a disorder that can bring on other ailments. It can affect the entire system as well as every other organ in the body including the heart, eyes, kidney and more. It is necessary for diabetic people to know how they can control their ailment. It has been seen that, if one pays close attention to the diet that one follows, it can make a big difference in controlling the ailment and other complications that can arise from it. The main factor which leads to the onset of type 2 diabetes is mainly a poor diet being followed and a sedentary lifestyle.

Top 15 Super Foods To Help Curb Diabetes

1.    Beans

Beans contain many vital minerals and dietary fibers that make them ideal for those suffering from diabetes. As diabetic people need to feel full for longer periods of time, such fiber rich food is good for such people.
Different kinds of beans to choose from:
•    Kidney
•    Navy
•    White

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•    Pinto
•    Lima
•    Soy
•    Black
•    Beans are a good source of dietary fiber
•    They are rich in magnesium, potassium and protein
Beans can be eaten in different ways. They can be had in the cooked form as well as in salads or in the boiled form in soups.

2.    Green And Leafy Vegetables

It is known that green and leafy vegetables contain many useful nutrients that make them ideal for the diet of a diabetic person.
•    Such vegetables are low in calories and easy carbohydrates
•    There is insoluble fiber as well as calcium, magnesium and vitamin C
•    Such vegetable lower the risk of type 2 diabetes
It is recommended that one consumes two or three servings per day of such vegetables. The kinds of vegetables that fall in this category are as follows:
•    Spinach
•    Mustard greens
•    Collard greens
•    Chard
•    Kale

3.    Berries

Berries have a lot of beneficial nutrients as well as natural sugars that do not have a negative impact on the blood sugar levels.
•    Berries are packed with vitamins, fiber and antioxidants
•    These help to control the blood sugar levels
•    One is also fortified against heart diseases
Berries used in the preparation of sweet items like desserts will reduce the calorie and the sweet factor of the deserts and make them healthy. They can be eaten with cereals, as snacks or in salads as well.
Berries are of the following kinds:
•    Strawberries
•    Cranberries
•    Blackberries
•    Blueberri

4.    Fish

Fish of different kinds can be consumed for the numerous benefits that they provide.
•    They contain essential omega-3 fatty acids
•    They are good sources of lean protein
One can consider taking fish oil supplements if eating fish is not an option. Cold water fishes of the following variety are good for diabetic people:
•    Salmon
•    Sardines
•    Herring
•    Tuna
•    Mackerel
•    Halibut
It is best that the fishes are prepared in a grilled or baked manner and consumed with healthy carbs like brown pasta or rice, brown bread or with salads. It is best to avoid having deep fried fishes.

5.    Whole Grains

No matter what food you eat, you need to have carbs in the form of bread, rice or pasta. It is best that one opts for the whole grain form of these carbohydrate items.
•    Whole grain foods contain complex carbohydrates which do not increase the blood sugar levels suddenly
•    They contain nutrients like folate, magnesium, chromium and omega-3 fatty acids
•    They help to reduce blood sugar levels
•    Reduce blood pressure
•    Reduce bad cholesterol levels
One should switch to brown rice or whole wheat flour to have more of whole grain foods in their meals.

6.    Nuts

Nuts contain many vital nutrients which can help to stabilize the blood sugar levels. As diabetic people are recommended to eat smaller meals and snacks more often, nuts can be healthy snack options.
•    They contain healthy fats
•    They contain fiber, vitamins and minerals such as E, magnesium
It is best to soak nuts in water overnight and then consume them. That helps to release the enzyme inhibitors that they contain.

7.    Olive Oil

It is imperative that one uses a healthy medium for preparing foods. The oil that is used to cook meals and even salads should be healthy. Olive oil in the extra virgin form is the best oil to opt for.
•    Such oil is rich in monounsaturated fats and antioxidants
•    Heart disease risk is averted
•    Blood sugar levels are kept steady
•    Insulin resistance is reduced
Olive oil is a healthy choice for diabetic people, especially those who wish to lose weight. When extra virgin olive oil is used it is the first press form of the oil which is minimally processed. It is known to contain more antioxidants and anti inflammatory compounds.

8.    Yogurt

Yogurt is known to have many beneficial properties that make it ideal as an accompaniment with meals, especially for diabetic people.
•    It is rich in protein
•    It contains high amounts of calcium and vitamin D
Those who consume calcium rich food are prone to lose weight faster and are least likely to develop insulin resistance which leads to diabetes. It is best to consume the low fat and plain version of yogurt. This added with fruits or berries makes a healthy meal or snack. It will surely help one to feel full and reduce the urge to eat something sweet.

9.    Cinnamon

Among the spices, cinnamon is a great spice which offers many beneficial properties for diabetic people
•    It promotes glucose metabolism
•    Reduces cholesterol levels
•    One can add a teaspoon of cinnamon powder to their tea or milk
•    One could add it to oatmeal or chicken and fish dishes
•    It is used to make healthy desserts
This spice will surely work for one in order to keep the blood sugar levels under control. Insulin sensitivity is increased and that helps to keep the blood sugar levels steady and reduce the incidence of diabetes.

10.    Sweet Potatoes

This is a starchy vegetable that offers several health benefits to diabetic people.
•    It contains antioxidant beta carotene
•    It is rich in vitamins like C, A and fiber
•    The low glycemic index makes it a great carb food to have which is safe for the diabetic people
One can try and consume baked potato in different ways. They can grill it or bake it. It is best to keep the skin on as most of the nutrients are near the skin. One can use it in salads, casseroles, soups or as side dishes as one likes it.

11.    Onions

Onions are usually used in the preparation of most meals. It has many beneficial properties that make it ideal for including in the diet of diabetic people.
•    Onions contain the trace mineral chromium
•    Chromium influences the more efficient use of insulin in the body
•    Chromium deficiency is often attributed with diabetes and that can be solved by including onions in the diet
Onions can be used as a spice in most cooked meals as well as consumed in the raw form to flavor snacks. Onions added to burgers, salads and soups help to step up the nutrition value of these meals.

12.    Tomatoes

Tomatoes are usually added in most of our meals and it is a great food item with nutritional benefits for diabetic people.
•    It is seen as a rich source of iron, vitamin C and vitamin E
•    It has fiber as well which ensures that the blood sugar levels remain steady
Tomatoes are beneficial in every form that they are consumed. From being consumed in the raw form in salads to pureed or as a sauce in different dishes or as condiments. It can be added in generous amounts in a diabetic diet.

13.    Citrus Fruits

It has been noted that one should increase the amount of citrus fruits in their diet. When diabetic people crave for sweets, they can opt for such fruits which are high in natural sugars.
•    These fruits are rich in soluble fibers
•    They are rich sources of vitamin C
Citrus fruits can comprise of:
•    Oranges
•    Lemons
•    Sweet lime
•    Grapefruit

14.     Beets

Beetroot is a vegetable that is seen as a great looking vegetable to add color and richness to any dish. It is also seen as a vegetable that has many beneficial properties for the diabetic people.
•    It is high in vitamin C
•    Such a vegetable is high in folate
How To Prepare
•    It is best to cook it by roasting them in the oven
•    That brings out the natural sweetness of the vegetable
•    Once the beets are cool, peel the skin away
•    Roasted beets can be added to salads after cutting them into cubes  or added to stews as well

15.    Brussels Sprouts

Brussel sprouts are often mistaken as mini heads of cabbage and they are a close relative of the cabbage family. They are beneficial for diabetic people.
•    They are low in sodium
•    Brussel sprouts are free of cholesterol
•    They are rich in phytochemicals
One can consume them in boiled form or sauted in olive oil. It can form part of stews, salads and as side dishes.
Do you think suffering from diabetes is the end of the world? Does it mean a lifetime of restricted food habits? That does not have to be. You will be able to lead an ordinary life if you incorporate the right food items in your diet.

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